Josh Smith
February 17th, 2021
Getting a crown paid, without an appeal, has become difficult for some dental practices lately. Insurance companies want as much information as possible to determine the necessity of the crown. Not to mention, any major work will always be your most delayed payment from an insurance company. At Dental ClaimSupport, we have gotten thousands of crowns paid for dentists. We utilize our process and system to get crowns paid effectively and efficiently, without waiting on insurance to respond with more requests.
Davy Clay
February 15th, 2021
As a dental business owner, you need to be aware of your insurance aging report. But did you get into dentistry to make sure insurance companies pay claims, or to fix smiles? It’s safe to say we will go with the latter. However, if you’ve seen a waterfall of insurance payments turn into a trickle, the first place to investigate the “why” is your outstanding insurance aging report. You may see that you have thousands of dollars outstanding that should be in your pocket. There needs to be an urgency to getting this money into your bank account. The longer a claim sits untouched, the less chance it has of being paid.
Sarah Traeger
February 15th, 2021
Have you ever gotten yourself in trouble without even realizing you were doing something wrong? Of course you have, we all have! In the dental billing industry, it is a common mistake for dentists to use stock dental narratives without realizing this could get them in trouble. A narrative in the dental industry is a description of the patient’s problems and procedures. This is something you might see documented in clinical notes or the patient’s medical history. Stock narratives are default descriptions that cover a wide variety of symptoms, problems and procedures. Think of it like a “default” setting on your phone.
Dental Billing | dental software | Eaglesoft | Dentrix | Curve Hero | OpenDental | OpenDental Aging Report
Sarah Traeger
February 10th, 2021
You don’t have to be “old” to be behind on technology. Plenty of dental offices are still using dated software simply because it’s something they’ve always used and are familiar with it. Change is hard, especially when it comes to learning a new piece of technology. It can be annoying, frustrating and seem unnecessary. At Dental ClaimSupport, our goal is to set you up for success, so having a newer software will in turn, help us increase your collections percentage. We believe dental offices need to convert to newer dental softwares for the same reason people need new cell phones. The main reason being, the software is outdated. If you are currently operating on a Dentrix, OpenDental, Eaglesoft, Curve, there is typically no reason to switch unless you just prefer one over the other. These tend to be the major softwares that most are converting to from the older softwares. Other reasons to switch softwares may include larger practices with multiple providers, paying providers based on production and/or collections, multiple locations, or they want to convert from server to cloud based softwares.
Davy Clay
February 8th, 2021
Like many dental offices, you may have just seen a spike in your insurance aging report. Claims just don’t seem to be paying like you want them to, and your collections are fluctuating each month. This is worrisome, to put it lightly. But what causes this? Because we are self-proclaimed “dental nerds” at Dental Claim Support, we actually enjoy researching claims. We have seen every single reason a claim does not process or pay that will inevitably increase your insurance aging report. This report isn’t necessarily “fun” to work on, but if you treat it as a game or challenge, you may change your mind on the matter.
Sarah Traeger
February 5th, 2021
When it comes to outsourcing your dental billing, we understand the hesitation. You’re thinking, “I need a more organized, streamlined way to run my billing department, but how can I trust these people? Isn’t there a way I can just do it myself? Am I up for starting a working-relationship with people outside of my organization?” Signing on to work with total strangers that you rely on to solve problems is easier said than done. Will they really produce outcomes? Will they truly support you along the way? Or will they force you to sign a year-long contract and leave you to fend for yourself?
Dental Billing | dentist | dental billing contract | dental billing service | dental billing company
Josh Smith
February 1st, 2021
You are one of the thousands of dentists that have made the decision to utilize an outsourced dental billing company. This could be the perfect decision for your office, but what made you decide to engage in outsourced dental billing in the first place? Maybe you have your key insurance billing employee leaving for any number of reasons. Or you may be looking for quick fixes to internal insurance claim collection issues. Maybe your dental office is increasing your patient base and you simply need the additional help but don’t have time to train. Whatever the reason, you have decided to take the outsourced dental billing leap. Any change in your office personnel or teaming up with an outsourced dental billing company will come with some sort of onboarding. So depending on your own needs, how long does it take to get rockin’ and rollin’ with a dental billing company?
Josh Smith
January 5th, 2021
It’s the digital age everyone – you should not be mailing claims unless it’s absolutely necessary. If you are new to the electronic submission game or simply in search of a better fit for your office, you’re in the right place. You’re not alone if you’ve ever had issues with insurance companies receiving your dental claims.
Davy Clay
January 4th, 2021
Every dental practice needs at least one team member responsible for handling insurance claims. Whether your office is PPO dependent or fee for service, insurance billing tasks are required to provide quality service to your patients. These tasks, created by the dental claims billing process, force offices to hire full time staff, part time staff, or extend the dental billing workload to other team members. Dental Claim Support, an outsourced dental billing company, was founded to help dentists with the mismanagement of dental billing within dental practices. The mission of Dental Claim Support is to ensure dentists get paid by eliminating insurance strain.
Dental Billing | Dentrix Aging Report | Eaglesoft Aging Report | Dental Insurance Aging Report | Insurance Aging Report | OpenDental Aging Report
Sarah Traeger
December 8th, 2020
Whether you’re new to the field of dentistry or trying to maneuver a new software for your practice, understanding the insurance aging report meaning, and how to process this report is a must! Knowing how to run the report and understanding the information on the report is vital for the health of your practice.