Josh Smith
September 1st, 2020
Dental offices often wonder if posting dental insurance claim payments by procedure is important. You may be a dental office already posting by procedure, but don’t really know why. Maybe you post total claims payments as a single payment, applying to the entire claim rather than by line item. Dental offices do things differently.
Dilaine Gloege
August 24th, 2020
A dental patient credit balance is a form of unclaimed property, and state laws apply. A dental practice may be the holder of unclaimed property. However, most practices do not understand what unclaimed property is nor are aware of the rules and regulations. These rules and regulations do apply to dental practices, along with other businesses. This article will begin with defining unclaimed property as it pertains to a dental practice and proceeds to discuss how this area of compliance may affect your practice and how to become compliant.
Davy Clay
August 14th, 2020
Your dental practice management software is programmed to generate a secondary claim once the primary insurance payment has been posted. Standard practice is to submit the secondary claim with all necessary attachments immediately following the automatic generation of the claim. The preferred method for submitting secondary claims electronically with the primary insurance explanation of benefits (EOB) attached. However, some payers are particular about the size of the attachment and will reject the EOB if it is not the original size showing all pertinent information about the primary payer.
Davy Clay
August 10th, 2020
Xrays Affect Dental Insurance Reimbursement Quality dental radiographic images are essential for accurately diagnosing and treatment planning. However, some dental radiographs may be considered of non-diagnostic quality even when combined with what is seen clinically, a definite diagnosis may be confirmed. From an insurance reimbursement point of view, if the image is not of diagnostic quality, the service is subject to denial. Dental consultants reviewing your claims do want to approve reimbursement of your claims; however, they face the challenging task of approving based on the documentation submitted with the claim. There are a few steps that can be taken to reduce claim denials due to lack of quality radiographic images.
Davy Clay
June 8th, 2020
Posting payments for patients that have multiple insurance plans can be complicated. There are really only two ways to effectively post when dual insurance comes into play. The most ideal method of the two (explained below) saves an office time in the long run and ensures providers are always paid correctly off accurate collections.