3 things dentists look for when researching a dental billing service
If you’re new to researching a dental billing service, you might not know what most dentists are searching for. You know you want to take your dental billing process to a more profitable level. And you have heard about how outsourcing billing is becoming the new normal for dentists.
Dental Claim Support is a trusted dental billing friend of dental teams across the United States. We’ve spent the past 10 years helping dental teams create a profitable, streamlined dental billing process. You deserve easy claims income, and more time in your day to focus on patients.
Through this experience, we’ve noticed what exactly dentists are looking for when they are shopping around for dental billing services. Most dentists have a few things top of mind: Service offerings, high-quality performance from billers, and of course, cost.
In this article, we will take you through these top-of-mind topics and help you understand the importance of each. By understanding what dentists are looking for when researching dental billing services, you can go into your outsourcing journey with confidence. And this will make it easier to find the right dental billing company for your practice.
1. Relevant service offerings
If you’re beginning to look into dental billing services, you likely have a need. This need could be a number of things. You might need more claims income, a more organized billing process, easier patient billing, insurance verification services, credentialing services, etc.
You’ll want to find a dental billing company with service offerings that align with your needs.
When you visit different dental billing companies’ websites, you can typically find their list of services pretty easily. Make sure to read through the information they have about each service offering specifically the ones you are interested in). As you do this, jot down questions you have that aren’t answered on their website.
You might be concerned about how remoting into your practice management software is going to work. This is something to ask about during your first phone call with a sales representative. You might wonder how the billing company is going to communicate with your dental team - this is a GREAT question to ask!
Researching the different service types and how they work with your dental practice is a top priority for dentists because it defines the foundation of your partnership.
2. Reasonable costs
Another part of your research before a call with a sales representative will be the cost of the services.
Most dental billing companies list their prices on their websites, so it should be relatively easy to find those numbers, make sure they align with your budget and choose who to reach out to accordingly.
Many of the top billing companies list their prices in a tiered system. Your monthly cost for services would be based on your total collections and/or total patients. The more patients or insurance collections you have, the higher your rate will likely be. This is due to the larger volume of work your dental billing team will handle.
If the dental billing companies you are looking through do not have their prices listed, you will need to inquire about the price once you have a meeting with a sales representative. Most dentists are looking for transparency about pricing, so if you’re frustrated by not seeing it on their site, perhaps that’s not the right dental billing company for you.
As you start gauging how much most dental billing companies cost, you can form your budget and ask more detailed questions about pricing during your sales calls.
3. Knowledgeable salespeople and educated billers
Every dentist wants to make sure their insurance claims are in good hands when they outsource their billing.
Dental billing, specifically insurance billing, is challenging. There’s a lot of information to understand, and that information changes at least once a year, if not more. When dentists are on sales calls with different dental billing companies, they are looking for people who know what they’re talking about.
If the salesperson is describing their process to increase your insurance collections through diligent claims submission, posting, and working on the aging report, that’s great! But do they understand the type of software you use? Do they know how different insurance plans work?
We’re not saying the salesperson needs to be as knowledgeable as the person actually working on your account. But during this meeting, take note of how in-depth the salesperson goes on how their services will work with your practice. Make sure to ask how their billers are trained and if they are continuously educated on insurance billing best practices and changes.
For example, our billers at Dental Claim Support go through a rigorous interview process before they’re hired, and an even more rigorous training program when they are hired. And that’s because your revenue depends on their performance! And you deserve the best.
Ready to take the next step in your dental billing services research?
When you’re researching dental billing services, you’re on a journey to find solutions that will help your practice be more profitable and successful. Knowing what other dentists are prioritizing can help you better understand where to start in your outsourced dental billing journey.
Dental Claim Support is here to help you deliver an excellent dental experience to your patients. And you can build your practice with confidence when you have cash flow you can count on.
If you’re looking to dive more into what it means to outsource dental billing services, check out our Ultimate Guide to Outsourced Dental Billing Services. When your billing is handled, you’re fully equipped to lead your practice and team.
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